Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action funding framework

We work to improve knowledge and inform practices for child protection in humanitarian actions (CPHA) worldwide.

Plan International, as the co-lead of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (The Alliance), is implementing a 24-month project to improve knowledge and inform practices for child protection in humanitarian actions (CPHA) worldwide.

What are we doing?

The project seeks to do the following:

  1. Provide a better understanding of the role of community volunteers, para-social workers and traditional mechanisms in the delivery of formalized case management services, and develop effective, evidence-supported guidance and tools that support best practices among community child protection actors; and
  2. Develop a comprehensive prevention framework to address the root causes of violence (including abuse, neglect and exploitation) against children before it occurs.

The two components of this project acknowledge the vital role that community members play in protecting children in emergencies by preventing harm and serving as first responders to their acute needs when violence has occurred.

The project will aim to strengthen the CPHA community’s collective knowledge in these areas and provide key resources to inform interventions. It will also improves the capacity of practitioners to design and deliver effective community case management and prevention approaches.

The project will seek to draw learnings from other sectors, such as health and early recovery, to promote learning and increased sustainability of community-based child protection interventions beyond the humanitarian crisis setting.

This project is funded through USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.



child protection practitioners and volunteers reached through consultations and webinars.
participants from 26 countries representing 21 organizations attending the global launch of research on Community Engagement in Case Management.
global guidance documents produced.

Alia leads a dedicated group of volunteers in Azraq refugee camp in Jordan.

Kuisie works in her community in Liberia as a public health volunteer.

In Guatemala, Plan works with volunteer networks to distribute hygiene kits to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Our projects in child protection

More about

the project

Poster: 7 Best practices to support community volunteers

Learn more

Report: Community engagement in case management

Read more

Webinar: Community engagement in case management

Watch the webinar

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