These goats make a productive pair! One female goat can produce about 240 gallons of milk per year. You can nourish a family and help them start a small dairy business to sell their extra milk and cheese at the local market.
Gifts of Hope Catalog
Real gifts. Real people. Real impact.
Give families a hand up with the gift of piglets! Pigs are an excellent source of nutrition and income. These hearty omnivores breed quickly and fetch a high price at market. After one year, a pig weighs around 200 pounds and can birth its first litter.
Your gift will make it possible for families of girls who are participating in The Graduation Project to learn about small livestock production and low-cost feed production, focusing on pigs, goats, sheep and chickens. Families and girls will choose the animals of their choice, and before they receive their livestock, they will learn about agriculture practices tailored to the types of animals they’ve chosen. Your gift will play a significant role in providing an income for girls’ education!
This bundle transforms lives with four goats, two sheep, two pigs and the tools and training for a family to start their own farm! You can help them earn a livelihood, nourish themselves and their communities, and send their children to school.
Fresh eggs are a great source of inexpensive, high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Give a family the means to breed chickens and ducks, and harvest plenty of eggs to eat and sell. Your gift includes two hens, one rooster, one male duck and two female ducks.
Drought has left families in Zimbabwe unable to grow or access nutritious food. And they’re struggling with economic shocks and stresses. But with your gift, you’ll provide girls and families with the knowledge and awareness of climate-induced risks, as well as the steps to take to protect their livestock businesses. That way, they can stay financially stable and continue to pay girls’ school fees!
Give hungry families a brighter future! Your hens and piglets will help them to improve their nutrition, earn a livelihood and send their children to school.
Jump-start a Family Farming Business helps women-led families in Zimbabwe improve their financial security — that way, girls will be able to afford to go to school. With this training, girls and their families participating in The Graduation Project will learn about savings and loans, livestock rearing and small business management skills. Once livestock businesses are established, families’ health will improve and girls won’t have to worry about school fees.
For girls in Zimbabwe, accessing menstrual health products can be nearly impossible. Your Menstrual Health Kit will provide adolescent girls with two packets of disposable pads, one bar of soap, laundry cleaner and lotion!
Gifts of Hope are actual items needed by the communities in which we work. Your donation will be matched to a project that includes the item that you selected. If the need for a particular item is filled or Plan’s fundraising goal for the project has been met, we will apply your donation to a similar project or where needed most. Project costs vary widely from country to country, continent to continent, for the same materials and services. The costs listed usually reflect an average cost. Donations to Plan International USA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.