Your gift will provide training for boys in Niger to become gender equality advocates and see why education for girls is so important in protecting them from child marriage. They’ll learn how to fight back against harmful traditional practices so that they can become allies for girls and create positive, generational change!
Gifts of Hope Catalog
Real gifts. Real people. Real impact.
When entire communities understand the dangers of trafficking, they can work together to keep girls, and all children, protected. Your gift supports training on trafficking prevention for community members, so that they’ll create safer environments for everyone.
When you choose to protect a girl, you help fight the predators who lure girls into situations from which they may never escape. You help educate young people and their communities about the dangers of trafficking, and provide girls with real training and job opportunities so that they can take back control of their lives. This is how, together, we can stop traffickers in their tracks and protect girls’ futures.
Your gift will provide training for girls’ and children’s parents and guardians on trafficking and human smuggling, gender equality, positive upbringing, crime reporting and trafficking laws. With this gift, parents can better keep their children safe.
Your gift will provide training for girls’ and children’s parents and guardians on trafficking and human smuggling, gender equality, positive upbringing, crime reporting and trafficking laws. With this gift, parents can better keep their children safe.
Your gift will provide training for girls’ and children’s parents and guardians on trafficking and human smuggling, gender equality, positive upbringing, crime reporting and trafficking laws. With this gift, parents can better keep their children safe.
Your gift will provide training for girls’ and children’s parents and guardians on trafficking and human smuggling, gender equality, positive upbringing, crime reporting and trafficking laws. With this gift, parents can better keep their children safe.
Public transportation operators often come across traffickers, whether they know it or not. Many don’t know the warning signs. But with your gift, you can help make it possible for transportation workers to participate in training where they learn how to identify trafficking situations, as well as the steps to take to get girls back home safely!
When entire communities understand the dangers of trafficking, they can work together to keep girls, and all children, protected. Your gift supports training on trafficking prevention for community members, so that they’ll create safer environments for everyone.
Gifts of Hope are actual items needed by the communities in which we work. Your donation will be matched to a project that includes the item that you selected. If the need for a particular item is filled or Plan’s fundraising goal for the project has been met, we will apply your donation to a similar project or where needed most. Project costs vary widely from country to country, continent to continent, for the same materials and services. The costs listed usually reflect an average cost. Donations to Plan International USA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.