Endowed Sponsorship

Through this simple yet powerful program, your sponsorship support for a child and family can continue for generations to come, even after you’re gone.

Endowed Sponsorship

With a gift of $20,000, you can provide sponsorship for one child and family at a time, community to community, generation to generation. Your gift will be invested in Plan International USA’s Sponsorship Endowment Account, and the earnings will be used to pay for your annual sponsorship for one child now, as well as future replacement children. One additional child will be added to your Endowed Sponsorship for every increment of $20,000 that you contribute.

You can choose to endow your current child’s sponsorship, or add another sponsored child to your Plan family. Whenever a sponsored child graduates, a new child will be selected for sponsorship according to your instructions. The Endowed Sponsorship can be in your name, or can be in honor or in memory of a loved one. If you wish, a family member or friend can carry on the relationship with future sponsored children.

Ready to create an Endowed Sponsorship and invest in the future? You can now make your gift in three ways: in affordable installments, as a legacy commitment through your will or trust or all at once.


Installments: Make your gift over time through installments that are most affordable for you.



Legacy commitment: Include a gift to Plan in your will or living trust to endow your sponsorship in the future.



All at once: If you’re ready to make your full gift of $20,000, you can give securely to Plan in the way that’s most convenient for you.


To let us know you’ve endowed your sponsorship through your will, please complete our secure online form so we can be sure to direct your gift appropriately.


Contact our office of planned giving:

We would love to help you create a thoughtful and creative gift planning strategy that will not only provide support to Plan, but will also blend your individual needs with your charitable goals to suit your financial objectives. To speak with Plan’s Associate Director of Planned Giving, Angelica Scanu, please reach out by phone at 401.562.8454 or by email at [email protected].